Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Mom's Tea

Evelyne and I at the Mother's Day Tea
Getting lunch for MOM...what a treat!

The program, they sang songs for us; of course we cried.

They made flower pots with a flower of them in it, so cute!
Evelyne's preschool had a mother's day tea for us. It was a special time just for moms and the preschoolers. The kids sat us down, gave us a tissue paper flower to wear, and even made us a nice lunch of finger sandwiches and treats! Each child went to the "buffet" line and filled a plate to share with his or her mom. It was so fun to see what each kid chose for their mom to eat and why. Afterwards, there was a singing program that brought tears to our eyes. It was a special time with my ever growing girl.

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