Friday, November 20, 2009

Art Wednesdays

Doesn't that sound just like a perfect organized 'mom' thing to declare..."Art Wednesdays?"  Sorry to disappoint this was an on-the-fly project to get the kids busy doing SOMETHING (though it required much clean up afterwards) while I got my own tasks completed. Yes, I'd already used the TV card and couldn't have them watch any more so had to do something else.

Evelyne and Gilbert LOVE to paint and it really keeps them going for quite a long time. They even share paint pots with each other and swap paints off an on which does unfortunately result in many floor drips.
The end results are always fun. Gilbert said he made his for grandma and evelyne made hers for grandpa. If they don't declare an owner I sometimes use the paper to wrap kid gifts in for friends (now see, that's a good organized mom thing to do, right).

So, thankfully, we don't always have "Art Wednesdays" here at the Good Knight Castle but it is fun to do it once in a while.

1 comment:

Tammy Williams said...

At least you are smart enough to make them put on capes. When my kids paint it looks like they just had a tug-of-war with the paint bottles. We have resorted to using markers and chaulk now;)