Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 08

All the kids off the busEvelyne and her friend, Anna
Evelyne and Gilbert watching animals
Evelyne and her teacher, Lynda picking a pumpkin together
Watching the goats

Another year of pumpkin patch mayhem is now behind us. This year, Gilbert was oh so glad to join in the festivities with Evelyne and her friends at school. The highlights of the trip were of course selecting pumpkins, riding the tractor, and jumping in the "nut house" which was a small shack filled with hazlenuts.

We went with Evelyne's preschool and parents were allowed to bring siblings along. Gilbert even got to ride the bus on the way back to school without mom! Evelyne and her friend, Kianna took good care of him on the bus and informed me afterwards the "he only stood up on the seats a couple of times."

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