Friday, April 23, 2010

The making of a chef

Everyone that knows me well knows that I love to cook.  The kids always ask to help out, sometimes I say yes. Here's Gilbert helping me saute celery and onions for some soup I was making. He was in heaven. It was the first time I let him stand over the hot cooktop. Yeah, he is 3 but he is a pretty good listener and I figured I might as well just let him try it. He did great. I realize sometimes I don't give my kids enough credit. They are probably able to do more than I think they can. So what if we make a you can see by my counter, we did but it was ok and we had fun.

Sous-chef Gilbert sauteing vegetables.

My kitchen island ... we made crackers to go with the soup. Ever made them before? They are buttery yummy and oh so perfect with soup!

1 comment:

d.e. hovde said...

love that you MADE crackers. Never have. Can't wait to try one. Speaking of which, let's rally. Can you come over on the 6th for dinner? And hey, I don't know if we ever really talked about costumes. We need bandanas and shirts, yes? You saw shirts? d