Thursday, January 14, 2010

My songbirds

So fun, had to document this and since blogging is this busy mom's documentation method of choice here I go.
Every night after bath, after Evelyne and Gilbert are tucked snuggly into their beds we hear singing.  First, we hear Evelyne singing to her animals, or "friends" as she calls them and then Gilbert. I think Gilbert just started doing it because Evelyne does.  Both of their doors are open and they are right across the hall from each other.  They sing and sing.  Evelyne usually sings songs she's learned in school or an old favorite like "somewhere out there" Gilbert isn't so organized.  He usually sings whatever the last things he remembers is like..."bath, prayers, thank you's" ; it's a stream of consciousness type of verse. Eventually it stops and we' know they're most likely asleep. It's very sweet and I hope it lasts, but I realize when those little voices stop singing before bed they've probably grown up.

Every time I see this clip, I think of Gilbert and Evelyne.

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