Tuesday, May 20, 2008

...and another project begins

we're finally putting in our yard

gilbert is helping out; loving to dig in the dirt

my dad and his trusty tractor

So, we're in for it again, another yard from scratch, though this will be a bit smaller and hopefully easier than our Portland house. My dad came with his tractor to till in loads of topsoil Nathan got last weekend. Bruce came the next day to dig out the area where our shed will eventually go. Thanks to dads or we'd be hurting! I didn't get to help much this year, just had child watch duty but anticipate getting my hands dirty during planting time! Next weekend, memorial weekend, we'll be putting in sprinklers and after that sod. Yahoo a back yard is in sight!

1 comment:

Tammy Williams said...

Looking good! We may need to call on Bruce to help us out too :) We have A LOT of work to do in our yard too. Here's to another fun summer of yardwork!